the XMLElement to append
Insert a node directly after the current node
the inserted sibling
the node to be inserted
Insert a node directly before the current node
the inserted sibling
the node to be inserted
Return the child at the given index
the child to return
the index of the child
Get an array of child nodes
array of child nodes
Create a new element with the given name and content
the created element
content: stringOptional
href: null | stringGet the associated XMLDocument for the current node
Find the first decendant node matching the given xpath selector
first matching decendant node
XPath selector
namespace: XPathNamespaceoptional namespace
importGet or set the namespace for the current node
the current namespace
prefix: null | string | XMLNamespacenamespace prefix
href: null | stringnamespace URL
Get an array of namespaces that appy to the current node
an array of namespaces for the current node
whether to include inherited namespaces
Create a new element with the given name and content, then append it as a child of the current node
the appended element
content: stringGet the parent node for the current
parent node
Get the type of element (XMLElementType)
"text" | "cdata" | "comment" | "element" | "node"
the node type
Generated using TypeDoc
Append node after the last node child
the appended child